Club Contacts

By Section or if you want to enquire about the hiring of our facilities.

Bowdon Cricket, Hockey and Squash Club has a one subscription policy which includes four sporting activities. For more information on these opportunities please contact the section directly. Or if your enquiry relates to hiring our facilities subject to availability contact Joanne Smith, Facilities Coordinator on 0161 928 1358.

Main Club Contact

Please contact the club office for all facilities bookings by speaking to Joanne Smith Facilities Coordinator 0161 928 1358

Email Address [email protected]

Bowdon Club

Cricket Contact

Contacts for all cricket related activity are:

Section Chair – Dominic Ball

Email [email protected]

Bowdon Cricket Club

Hockey Contact

Contacts for all hockey related activity are:

Section Chair – Jonny Grant

Email [email protected]

Junior Chair – Julie Saunders 

Email [email protected]


Contacts for all squash/racketball related activity are as follows

Section Chair – Steve Kettle

Email [email protected]

Junior Contact Pete Billson

Email [email protected]

Bowdon Racketball

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